Wednesday, May 3, 2017

My Attempt to Make Peace with the ERC, Rejected by a Member of the Commission on Church Renewal


Below is the text of an email I sent in July 2016, to the ERC Commission on Church Renewal, through George Jensen. 

My note was in response to the Commission's request for the name of a contact person, or people, from Faith so that the Commission could initiate a conversation concerning its future relationship with Faith.

As I wrote the note, my intention was to be as positive and constructive as possible. 

My goal was to create a circumstance through which the cause of the Kingdom could be advanced through the interaction between Faith and the Conference.

I've read and re-read the note and I'm convinced that I accomplished that goal.

Nevertheless, George rejected my offer. 

I was stunned. Nearly a year later, I continue to be stunned.

My take on George's response is that he received my note with suspicion and cynicism. And, I can only guess why.

George and I have known each other since the early 1990s. I taught his first theology course in seminary. We were neighbors in the seminary apartments for a year and we were charter members of the ERC Commission on Church Renewal, in my opinion working together comfortably for years.

I have two theories on how George achieved the state of mind about me that caused him to misread my note in the way he did. 

One is that George believed misrepresentations Dr. Richardson told about me to the Conference during its deliberations on my credentials. (It's what Dr. Richardson said, and didn't say, that prompted the advice I received, from an ERC pastor, to file a suit against the Conference.) One other friend has written to me about believing Dr. Richardson. That person eventually concluded that I've lost my sanity. George's frame of mind in receiving my note matches my friend's. 

A second theory has to do with the problem I noted in my recent blog post on Don Dennison's absolutely wonderful CHURCH ADVOCATE article. 

I believe denominational bureaucrats are killing the CGGC. George was functioning in that role in this exchange. 

I know many CGGC bureaucrats. I was one. Something happens to otherwise spiritual people when they embrace the culture of the CGGC bureaucracy. 

George was thinking as CGGC bureaucrats think in this exchange. 

Anyway, read my note. I think it represents me as a loyal member of the Conference who wants nothing more than to advance the cause of the Kingdom among the people of the CGGC--and to make peace between Faith and the Conference. 

The bottom line is that the ERC, in the end, expelled Faith in spite of the fact that this was the initial response from our side in those deliberations.



I have received your note requesting the name or names of leaders [of] our community of gatherings.

I have no desire to be obstructive for its own sake.

On the other hand, your understanding of the nature of our community as well as your description of the manner in which the Commission wants to pursue its goal is so disconnected from who we are and our perspective of past and current events that, it seems to me, meaningful conversation is not possible under the terms you describe.

In my opinion, some background work will have to do done if, in fact, the Commission desires to accomplish anything positive.

So, I'm suggesting some conversation between the two of us that would be in confidence.  The purpose of this exchange would be to bring the two parties to the point that productive communication can commence.

At the same time as our conversation takes place, I would be testing the waters at our end.

I will say now that, it's almost certain that I am, by far, the best friend the CGGC has here and that, if the Commission actually seeks a positive outcome, it will have to respect our people for who they are in Jesus much more than people in the CGGC have to this point.

Please feel free to respond to this note at your convenience.




A few concluding notes:

I just re-read my note again. I'm more perplexed than ever that my overture in peacemaking was rejected. 

Having said that, I point out that my note and George's response to it is not the end of the story.

If God leads, and is willing, I will include later chapters in the story in future blog posts.

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