Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Based on My Life in the World, the CGGC is doing Worse than Many Others

It's true. The church is losing the culture.  The church's decline can't be denied by anyone who is aware.

In my opinion, because of the general decline of the church, CGGC leaders are getting a bit of a pass. The thinking is, from what I can tell:

Everyone is in decline, our leaders are nice fellows and they seem to really be trying hard, so we can't really hold them accountable, can we?

And, to a large degree, I bought that myself...

...until I began to live in the world.

From where I am now, however, I'm convinced we are doing worse than many.

I work for a company that employs about 300 people. I work in two departments for the company, one of them employs about a fifth of the people who work for the company. I know quite a few of the 300. And, because I see my job as a mission field, I know many of the people reasonably well. Some are Christians, some are not. I talk to many of the Christians about their spiritual life and I observe the fruit they produce.

And, based on what I see and hear, other churches and denominations are doing a better job than the CGGC is.

From my experience on the job, I know many millennials. Quite a few follow Jesus. Some of them very openly, boldly and maturely. And far more than is the case from the typical CGGC ministry. I know many Jesus followers who are closer to my age. They live more like disciples than the typical consumers of religious products and services in the CGGC congregations I've witnessed in my 40 plus years in the CGGC.

From where I live, we're all doing poorly but in the CGGC, we are doing especially bad.

We need to repent...

...more than most.

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