Friday, June 26, 2015

Two More Cancelled Gatherings

Gatherings associated with our ministry were on the books for the last two evenings. We cancelled both of them for the standard reason.

We have tons going on. Evelyn does especially.

A few weeks ago, our 93 year old next door neighbor fell on a tile floor, gashed his head open, bled like a stuck pig and was rushed to the hospital. Both of us have taken his wife to visit him but Evelyn has done it many times as well as driving the wife to grocery stores.

Last Saturday, my dad fell and was rushed to a different hospital about 30 miles away from where our neighbor is. We spent most of Saturday in the ER and Sunday with mom and dad and my brother and his family, in lieu of gathering. Since then, Evie has been coordinating with the visiting nurse, the home health care aid, the OT and PT and the social worker and visiting mom and dad.

In addition, a person we have still never met has been in contact with Evie, hoping for several thousands of dollars to help her catch up on bills. Evie has been gathering information and has been relaying that information to participants, primarily, of the Thursday gathering, the people most likely at this point to show mercy.

In addition, all of us have been working full-time jobs.

In short, we, especially Evie, have been too busy, and too exhausted, practicing the love your neighbor as yourself command to gather.

I don't think any of us are happy about the cancellation of the gatherings, and I suspect that none of us we are practicing perfect obedience, but we are living the "Simply Jesus" life as sincerely as we can, trusting that His grace and mercy will be poured out into our own lives.

So three straight gatherings bagged. I'm hoping desperately that Sunday's will happen.


Why do I say all this? Not to boast in my own righteousness. Read the tone. I want no praise for this, nor do any of the rest of us.

I believe that what we are doing is fruit of a belief that going to church is not an act of righteousness. For most American Christians today, it is the central act of righteousness.
And, that the ease with which we cancel a gathering, compared to the way mainstream church people would, illustrates fruit that distinguishes us from so many.

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