Monday, June 8, 2015

Have You Heard of this Lutheran Pastor?

I've been reading up on her lately and it strikes me that she is more thoughtful and passionate about and much more committed to historic Protestant beliefs than are many of the increasingly Medieval leaders of America's Evangelical Churches.

I am absolutely convinced that, in the battle to win the hearts and minds of millennials, her energetic, (I believe) false apostolic vision will run circles around the bland, increasingly tradition-bound churchism of many denominational leaders (including --especially--leaders in my own group) as we look toward the future.

May God have mercy on the emerging generation.

May He wake us up and lead us to repentance and to empower the apostles Christ is gifting us with.

Check this face of the future out:


  1. I know that my perspective is skewed by fact that I am an ERCer and the ERC's response these days to everything is hyper-institutional but it strikes me that the extent of the CGGC's response to millennials is to structure church constitutions so that our churches are spared from the need to host same sex weddings in their sanctuaries.

    In addition to that, the ERC has decided to add another staff person and to tweak the number of Commissions.

    A far cry from Nadia's incarnationalism.

    Just how inspired do you think the sort of people she is engaging would be by reading our constitutional revisions and noting our Conference Commission structures?

  2. It strikes me that it would be as easy as pie to find a middle ground between the incarnational hedonism of NBW and the institutional narcissism of what traditional evangelicalism is coming up with.

    Yet, in reality, I'm not seeing much in the middle--apart, of course, from things like what we are trying. And, as we now know, in the ERC of the CGGC, what we are doing gets a pastor defrocked.

    Truth certainly can be stranger than fiction.
