Sunday, March 1, 2015

Gathering and Exhaustion and Bad Weather: 3-1-15

Well, this will make three straight Sundays that we miss the Sunday gathering.

We, especially Evie, are exhausted. We, especially Evie, live--to use the fading fad term--missionally. For two months we had an otherwise homeless family of three living on our second floor. They moved into their own apartment on Wednesday. But, we are long-term tired from that experience. Evie spent a long day yesterday with a niece who is in crisis. And, she has been fighting the illness that kept us from our Thursday gathering. And, I worked until nearly ten Saturday night, finishing with very physical work, doing some heavy lifting.

Also, the forecast for late morning and early afternoon is for nasty weather.

So we made the choice to stay home again today. For me, this is a hard decision.

Paul was not joshing, in Galatians 6, when he admonished, "Let us not become weary in doing good." For us, at least, living lives of mercy and love actively in the world is tiring physically, emotionally and spiritually and, I at least, need to be provoked to the disciple's life of love and good works through gathering with other followers of Jesus.

Still, we do have our Wednesday and Thursday gatherings. The Wednesday gathering "launches" this week!!!

This was a tough call and it doesn't feel good to me. But, no gathering for us today.

Next Sunday, God willing, is house church in our home.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing for us. The nasty weather arrived earlier and nastier than forecast.
