Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gathering 3-22-15

Another blessed encounter.

There is never a so-called order of worship in our group but there is a general pattern that has developed and with which we are all comfortable. That pattern is normally set aside, sometimes almost immediately. Today's gathering was unusual in that, to the end, we stayed on course.

That being said, there was never a hint of forethought or preparation to anything that was said or done.

My former coworker Matt had requested permission to bring another, recently terminated, coworker, Sue, to join us. It is interesting, as warmly as he had been received, that he would think he had to ask but I think in this culture, it is understood that you don't normally bring someone with you into someone's house without at least letting them know about it.

Sue showed up and was immediately accepted as a part of the group. (She's a bit of an extrovert so that was not unexpected.). Still, the fact that the gathering is in a home makes integrating a new person into the group easier than doing that while in a "sanctuary."

Singing time was joyful. Many of us came with a hymn. The selection was eclectic, including a song normally considered a Christmas carol, some gospel songs and a few praise choruses.

Matt, the new guy to our gathering, revealed to us that he felt closer to God than he has in 30 years.

One of the men asked if we could discuss the story, Mark 9, of the father who brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples, and ultimately Jesus, to be freed. We joined with him in the study. It became a time of confession of struggles and sin for several of us.

We admonished the newbies about taking the bread and cup in an unworthy manner and had the meal and the time in the bread and cup. Because of the way we take it, I'm not certain who took and who didn't today.

As we shared the meal, we decided not to meet on what most people call Easter. Evie and I will be spending much of that day with my mom and dad.

As always, a day that exceeded my expectations.


  1. Lots of interesting additional reflections occurred to me after I posted my journal of yesterday's gathering. One that hit home is that, as one of the guys was leaving, he said, "This was a good time of spurring on."

    Right on! It was, indeed.

  2. FYI, the spurring on thing comes from Hebrews 10:24-25, one of the lynch pins that define why and how we gather.

    It fascinates me how life in 2015 blends in with our otherwise intentionally hyper-primitive approach to coming together.

    We really emphasize the 1 Corinthians 14:26 principle that everyone comes with a hymn. No worship wars here. No one has reason to complain about the music. EVERYONE controls it. Amazing biblical wisdom.

    Yet we do this very primitive practice with a 2015 twist. Yesterday, for instance, four of us texted lyrics to the rest of the group within 24 hours of the gathering. We got our requests in in a very happening way. We do take care that people who don't text have a chance to bring their desires into the mix.

    What a blast!
