Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Bowl Eve

I work as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God in the role of a manager of a grocery store, yada.

The work itself is not always thrilling but it puts me in contact with gobs of people.and affords me the opportunity to be a presence for the King among people who'd never touch organized Christianity, except maybe to get a parish priest to marry them or plant dad or mom in the grave.

And, it gives me a chance to glimpse a part of popular culture that is fascinating.

If you're going to throw any sort of party, you need food. That's where we come in.

I never would have guessed how big the Super Bowl is.

The day before the Super Bowl is one of the busiest days at the store in the entire year. I'd rank it in the top 5, up there with Christmas and New Year's Eve and the day before Thanksgiving.

Last year the Eagles were in the game and it was brutal. I thought we'd catch a bit of a break because many people claim not to care about the game because of the historically bad call that won the NFC Championship game for the Rams and the fact that the hated, cheatin Patriots are in the game.

But, yesterday we were absolutely slammed!

No party for us, though. We're home petting the dog and watching reruns of the old BBC program, Foyle's War.

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