Friday, August 7, 2015

Calling for the Creation of a New Wineskin in the CGGC


I acknowledge that I am way too close to this to be objective, yet, I am convinced that objectivity is overrated. 

One of my top five heroes from church history is remembered for saying, somewhat inaccurately, that subjectivity is truth, and I believe that it is.


It is true that even during the height of Brian Miller's Emerging blog days, I was calling for macrorepentance in the CGGC, exactly what I mean these days when I say that the CGGC needs a new wineskin.

For what must now be about ten years, I have been saying consistently, strenuously and directly that the change the CGGC needs does not involve the creation of new programs and the hiring of new staff members and the strengthening of the institution but that it needs to change what it is at its core, that it needs to repent of what it has become, change direction and find an entirely new way.

While it is true that others agree with me and even, from time to time, express that opinion publically, I have been the primary and most irritating voice for that message.  It is I who have been pressing the issue most fervently.


And, it is not lost on me that the response to my message from those who have thrived most from the old wineskin has been to DEFROCK me, or, at least as of this moment, to attempt to.

Clearly, if there is to be change of the wineskin in the CGGC there will be casualties--on both sides of the battle.  The old wineskinners will put up a world-class, heavyweight fight.

They already are.

Yet, Jesus died to launch God's Kingdom. . ..

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