Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gathering 12-28-14

Wow. Lots to note.

Today was Ward's seventy fifth birthday. Ward is intellectually disabled enough that he has been on SS disability for years, lives in a low-end assisted living facility on the dole and has a power of attorney, a sister who has been fed up with him for years.

Ward is one of those people who can--and regularly does--turn lemonade back into raw lemons. The people of Faith have been showing him mercy for years. Having said that, Ward is the sort of person who is responsible for the fact that our number has declined. Many grew tired of loving this quirky and bristly man

Look up the word curmudgeon in your dictionary. That sketch. It's Ward.

He's not a lot of fun to be around. He is one of those "least of these" who will determine where you and I will spend eternity.

We ended our gathering time giving him a party. He was pleased but I didn't hear him say thanks once. Our people oozed grace and mercy toward him. Neither are anything unusual.

I was so proud of our people. And, concerned about the lack of joy in Ward's heart.


On another level, we had a sort of business meeting in which we confirmed among ourselves that this would be the last Sunday that we take an offering. We no longer will have a budget or a Treasurer, though we may take offerings in the future to care for specific needs among the poor. Individuals among us expressed interest in contributing to the needs of pastors' widows in the Conference and in contributing to the Conference to defray some of its losses when the congregation defaulted on its mortgage.

Lots of questions about who and what we will be on the future.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and we suggested next week be a no gathering week and the rest of the group voted us down.
