Sunday, May 12, 2019

CGGC Leaders Address the Cause of 30 Years of Decline

Religious Newz Service, 5-10-19:

Leaders of the Churches of God, General Conference revealed recently that they now know the cause of nearly three decades of numerical decline and spiritual decay that has plagued the once thriving denomination.

"A group of us were praying over our upcoming triennial General Conference sessions and, during a time of group meditation, each of us had exactly the same vision. It was of our denominational logo with one of those circles with a diagonal slash through it, you know, like on the poster for the classic 1984 Bill Murray flick, GHOSTBUSTERS," said winsome CGGC Executive Director, Lance Finley.

"You don't have to be Joseph, the one in Genesis, to interpret that vision," added the General Conference chief staffer.

While still reeling from the initial vision, a week later, the meditaters gathered again and each received a second vision.

"Someone actually joked as we began meditating, 'Maybe we'll have another one.' And I said, "Right! That's a real knee-slapper. And, we all busted a gut," said the Rev. Finley.

"As that second time of meditation ended, someone said, 'I saw an image of what seemed to a rectangle with plain brass buttons on it, some buttons seemed to have burn marks on them and the burn marks made the image of the cross.'"

"You should have been there," Finley said. "Jaws dropped. And, each of us muttered, "Me too."

Then one of the group said, "And, mine didn't have that Bill Murray circle thing through it," E. D. Finley said, and we all agreed, "Mine, neither."

"It was at that moment, we all understood. We've done some great things in the past 30 years. 35,000 by 2000. Historically profound Core Values. MLI. A world-class Mission Statement and a perfect Vision Statement. A Madison Avenue quality slogan. A perfectly orthodox Statement of Faith. For 30 years we've absolutely nailed it. Except for one thing. We had the wrong logo."

The CGGC will reveal the new logo at its 2019 General Conference session as a recent video states, "to better express our identity."

"Count on it," the CGGC CEO said, " We did one thing in the past thirty years that we need to repent of. The Lord has spoken. We see the error of our ways. We repent. We are moving forward. We have our new brass button logo. A new day is breaking.

We ain't afraid of no logos."


  1. It took me far too long to realize this was satire... too close to the truth...

    1. Anonymous,

      I'm not crazy about unsigned posts, but, considering history and the tenacious vengefulness of the CGGC Shepherd Mafia, preserving one's anonymity seems a wise decision, though, if real repentance is going to take place, if the CGGC is to turn from its sin and folly, people are going to have to stand and be willing to be counted, and to accept the earthly consequences, come what may.

      I entered the post because I felt strongly about the point that is buried within the satire.

      May genuine repentance take place in the CGGC. May we turn from foolish and fallen ways. May the Lord of all authority and power and blessing bless us He once did and, by His grace and power, reverse our decline and decay.


      Be strong and very courageous.
