Friday, January 1, 2016

The CGGC in 2015 from 40,000 Feet

I have many (what I believe to be) prophetic or, at least, big picture insights about the just-ended year.

One that is not earthshaking is that 2015 was extremely important to the way we will encounter the future.


Two thoughts about this strike me that I don't have to strain my brain to come up with.

1. The Baby Boomer generation has, through these resignations, passed the baton on to the next generation.

2. The CGGC Baby Boom Shepherd Mafia hasn't stepped aside graciously. In fact, they, and I will be forthright, Ed Rosenberry, did all they could do to control the future direction of the CGGC.

In resigning, Ed declared that his successor should be someone younger than he is. Though he never said it in so many words, he was declaring that there should not be another voice from his generation after him to offer significant direction to the denomination. He was to be the end all and be all to his generation's contribution to CGGC leadership. He went out in his own blaze of glory having created a new WE BELIEVE and a new Credentialing model very much after his own image. He did what he could to end up being the face of his generation, the John Winebrenner, of his day.

The Boomer Mafia led the selection of next generation with a vengeance, appointing former Mountaintopper-in-Chief, Bill Reist to lead the search for the new CEO and put Ed himself in control of the search for the new WTS President.

Please understand. I truly wish Lance and Brent well. But, let's be fully aware: They were carefully chosen by the most powerful people of the Boomer Mafia.

Considering how woefully the Boomer Mafia has led what Winebrenner began, from 40,000 feet, I am convinced that we would be in better shape to thrive in the future if the Mafia dons had allowed the CGGC to seek its future on its own without the strong arm of Mafia control.

Who knows? We very well may have chosen Lance and Brent for ourselves and on their own merit.

But, the reality is that they, and we, are saddled with the Boomer Mafia's decision to take control of how the denomination attacks the future.

Because cynicism is a characteristic of the CGGC brand, Lance, especially, starts out in a hole with many. Pray for Lance and Brent on that account.

I wish the new guys had been given a cleaner slate

More comments from 40,000 feet in the future, if God is willing.


  1. The R Word Enters the CGGC Lexicon in 2015

    For quite some time, I have been concluding many of my blog posts saying that we must repent. That plea has been consistently been ignored. We have not repented. We are not in the process of repenting.

    While no one else in the CGGC, to the best of my knowledge, is calling for repentance, several others began to talk about it.

    In his first eNews article after he became CGGC CEO, Lance used the word twice. He used it in the most recent article and he used it at least one other time.

    Here in the ERC, Dave Williams who is the theologian among staffers, has begun to use the word regularly.

    Unfortunately, talking about repentance is not calling for repentance.

    I'm still trying to understand what it means that mountaintoppers are talking about repentance without calling for it. The New Testament rarely talks about repentance. It often describes Jesus, John, Peter, Paul commanding that people repent.

    It strikes me that the people the Spirit empowers to deal in repentance are evangelists, prophets and apostles and Lance and Dave, in my opinion, do not have that gifting. What Lance and Dave are not doing, as far as I can tell, is empowering people with the appropriate spiritual gifting to call to repentance. As far as I am concerned, Lance pretends my existence away. Dave and I have had dialog over the proper definition of the term.

    At this point, I am inclined to think that this is not the TO TALK IS TO WALK-ISM so common in our recent past.

    I will add that this talk about repentance is not really a step in the right direction. The call to repentance was key to the message of all the New Testament gospelers. And, as I've said, those people almost never discussed repentance.

    We must repent.

  2. 2015 produced an historic challenge to the Gospel. Same sex marriage has been foisted on the people of the United States by a decision of the US Supreme Court.

    From 40,000 feet, 2015 was a year of no action by the CGGC in response to this historic event. As is typical of the CGGC, there were words, impressive words, gracious words. But, think. What has the CGGC actually done, other to suggest churches take steps to insulate their property and clergy from the need to perform or host same sex ceremonies?

    If you read the eNews, you know there will be more talk at General Conference sessions next year.

    Can you imagine Winebrenner's generation satisfying itself with that response to the challenge of slavery?
