Thursday, March 26, 2015

What Makes Me Shut Up

I have the sense that there are some people in the CGGC who wish that I would, well, JUST SHUT UP.

It is a fact that page hits to this blog are up significantly but I suspect that many who come here do so simply to find out what I, and others, are saying because they want to know what problems they may, potentially, have to deal with.

In the past in the CGGC, people like me have left in frustration by now, allowing the SM to have its way without opposition. And, I'm still here. I hear, from friends whom others don't know are my friends, some of the things murmured and gossiped about me behind my back.

And, I know that some ask, "Why won't he just shut up?"

I was thinking about putting the comment on my last Gathering thread that I was prepared to speak a word last Sunday but, in the end, felt led not to speak.

And, I realized that I almost never say anything in our gatherings that leads or fashions the direction that the meeting would take.

And, I, then, asked myself why. And, I realized that, for now at least, ongoing repentance is taking place here.

It strikes me that I really am pretty much a one trick pony and it's actually rather easy to leave me with nothing to say.

Repent and you will have stumped me. I'll be mute because I don't seem to be able to speak any other word.



  1. I just got a very encouraging note from one of those people who is a friend whom most would not necessarily think is a friend imploring me not to be discouraged by what is murmured and gossiped about me.

    No problem, there. It used actually to amuse me but these days I just don't care as long as I believe I am being faithful.

    But, it did strike me that a profound dysfunction in the CGGC is that I am criticized for being open about my disagreement with the mountaintoppers over issues of truth yet, at the same time, murmuring and gossiping take place--not necessarily about me--and never seem to be regarded as out of place in the, uh, church.


    Something to repent of, ain't?

  2. This is a real hoot!

    Based on the title of this post, I presume, this thread is getting a lot of page views!

    Apparently, a lot of people are either:

    A. Hoping to shut me up, or,
    B. Afraid I will shut up.

