Sunday, February 3, 2019

Where in the World is Brother Brandon Kelly? (Sung to the theme of Where in the World in Carmen Sandiego?)

Has any agency of state, local or the Federal Government issued an APB? A BOLO, perhaps?

If the earth were flat, I'd wonder, did Brandon fall off the edge?

He's just disappeared.

After all the ballyhoo launching his to-be-year-long series of APEST articles in both The CHURCH ADVOCATE and the CGGC eNews: Poof. Thin air. Nothing. The world's first case of APEST Interruptus.

I've had conversation about this. Some people, at least, in the CGGC are pleased with the fact of Brandon's APEST series in both CGGC publications. Even if they weren't blown away by the content, even if they didn't agree with Brandon's take on APEST, the fact that APEST was, finally, being discussed so prominently in the CGGC was appreciated.

So, wassup?! Why did the series end prematurely?

So, in the CGGC, we advocate APES? We do have a recent history of coming up short. So, why not!

Remember the days after the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, when Teamster truckers put "Where's Jimmy?" bumper stickers on their trucks?

Perhaps, at General Conference sessions this summer, General Conference staff should hand out WHERE'S BRANDON stickers to be placed on the bumpers of CGGC parish priests' SUVs.

Where in the world is brother Brandon Kelly?!!!??!!!


  1. Would you believe that someone wrote to say that they saw Brandon pumping gas at a truck stop along Route 75, chatting to someone who looked remarkably like Elvis?

  2. I picked up a rumor that Brandon was spotted waxing Big Amos on Rt. 896 in Lancaster County, in Amish country.
