Thursday, May 10, 2018

Multiple Off-the-Blog Dialogues on Leadership, etc.

I'm not blogging a lot these days but I am busy.

I've got a few ongoing chats running...two that are very similar to each other...on leadership and my rejection of the concept as it applies to people of the Kingdom that Jesus announced.

I find the conversations edifying but I don't think I've convinced anyone.


And, I know that very few people read the CGGC eNews blog. So, for those who don't know, I replied to Lance's latest. The "administrator" "published" my comment...

...and, again, no one responded.

Lance commented on the death of Christendom and suggested that that death is a good thing.

He also defined his vision for the future.

My reply was, in my opinion, rather articulate by the standard of the things I write.

It described something I've been thinking since I was still in MLI. Lance's vision for the future comes right out of the MLI handbook.

And, I wrote on the blog that that vision is really little more than Christendom 2.0. Lance sees churches engaging their neighborhoods and communities to change the trajectory of their neighborhoods and communities in the future.

I see nothing even close to that in the New Testament.

But, I do see the organized church engaging the world as the essence of the original version of Christendom.

I described my hope that the people of the Kingdom would release apostles, prophets and evangelists to live out and proclaim the gospel in the world with fire and without fear...

...just as the Church of God did in its movement days.

I'm certain that I'm correct on this one.

What I did not say on that blog is that I see what Lance envisions as a function of the sin of Ecclesiolatry...the sin of making everything about the church...and not the Lord of the church.

Oh, how we need to think Jesus and Kingdom!

Oh, how we need to back off on our obsession with the organized and institutionalized church.

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