Sunday, October 22, 2017

Defrock the ERC Ad Council

I've been thinking about the still, to this day, unsubstantiated rumors that in 2016 the ERC Conference in session voted to recall my ordination.

And, of the reports I have received about the hierarchs rationale for defrocking me.

I've asked a fairly decent sized sampling of people what I was charged with. All of these people are ERC pastors who are also Commission members and/or Ad Council members. Not a single, stinkin', one of these people can say what the charge against me was.

But, they all said that I do have a blog that criticizes leadership... if leadership is justified in removing from the Eldership an elder who thinks leaders are failing and, then, says so.


Following that reasoning, and considering the fact that the ERC Ad Council has just reached the same opinion I was expressing at the time, in 2015, when the Standing Committee and Ad Council kicked this all off,...

...that is, they voted to reject the leadership of Kevin Richardson,...

...doesn't it stand to reason that everyone on the Ad Council who voted to search for a new Executive Director should be defrocked?

And, that the Standing Committee should recommend to the Ad Council that all Ad Council members, who are ordained, should return their ordination certificates?

After all, what could be stronger criticism of Kevin than to decide to replace him?

Where's the flaw in that logic?  ☺

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