Friday, March 18, 2016

It is a Usual Thing for Leadership among the Visible People of God to be Wrong

When you read what I write on this blog, you may ask yourself a question about me that I often ask myself, that is, Can I possibly be right and almost everyone else be as wrong as I claim they are?

I take seriously Paul's admonition, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." So, as sincere as I am, I won't say that I am correct and nearly everyone in leadership in the Western church is wrong but I strongly believe that I am.

But, I will point out this unavoidable historical truth: It is usual that leadership among the visible people of God is wrong, disastrously wrong.

Think of Moses' day or Joshua's. Think of Elijah and Isaiah and Jeremiah and most of the rest of the prophets. Think of the Jews in Jesus' day. If you are Protestant, think of Luther. Think of the Methodists and the Church of England.

It's usual for mainstream leadership among the visible people of God to be misguided, off base and outside of the will of God.

And, it also usual for God to use one or a few prophetic voices to call for repentance.

God is not blessing what mainstream Western church leadership is doing.

We must repent.

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