Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Draft of HERE WE STAND has been Released

There is a link to a PDF file in yesterday's eNews. I encourage everyone to read it--if you can understand it.

As you can imagine, I have a ton of problems with it, due to the fact that it is fruit of an old wineskin that has been causing our decline for many decades.

As an example, here is one issue I have with it. This is its very first sentence:

"Revival and reform serve as the double helix of the Churches of God, General Conference (CGGC) DNA."

The double helix?

That sentence says a ton.

I don't know who these people think they are helping with this way of communicating, but I do know that what they came up with will not communicate to the people in the congregation I meet with and it will mean nothing to the people I witness to on my job.


  1. A fellow CGGCer wrote to me--very off blog, of course--that the double helix either means that they are wrapped too tight or that they are all screwed up but s/he doesn't know which.

    This is a worthwhile observation.

    AND, it encouraged me not to lose my sense of humor over the continuing folly that avalanches down from the most elevated CGGC peaks.

    Thanks, my friend.

  2. FYI, based on the number of hits to this post, I'm guessing that more people are finding out about the HWS draft from this blog than from the eNews.
    I've been told that only three or four people read the eNews and I don't believe that but that estimate may not be that far off.
