Thursday, June 18, 2015

Lance Meets the CGGC Brand as it is in 2015

I have a pretty big life these days with a physically demanding full-time job and three gatherings that we are in the process of nurturing and the challenges of caring for my fiesty octogenarian parents. As a result, I have less energy and passion available to me for the blog than I used have. (And, all CGGC institutionalists who read that just heaved a sigh of relief.)

I don't have time and energy to publish that revised list of the Characteristics of the CGGC Brand at the end of the Rosenberry Era that I promised. Yet, I think the question the CGGC needs to work out is that of what will happen as Lance's vision confronts the values that bear fruit in the Rosenberrian CGGC Brand.

I suspect that Lance will have problems with several of them, such as:

1. TO TALK IS TO WALK-ISM. As I have said, Lance is being realistic. He's being honest. And, I believe that he intends to match actions with his words. This will be a challenge in the CGGC where, in recent years, for example, we claimed, as our mission, living out "the New Testament plan" and then continued to follow parish priest focused traditions as if we had never used the words New Testament.  If Lance actually attempts to expect us to behave in a way that is consistent with his talk, there will probably be resistance.

The David/Goliath struggle will probably begin to heat up at that very basic point.


There are some other places at which I think there will be tension for Lance with the CGGC Brand if he actually pursues his vision and values. At this point, I'm not optimistic but we will see.

I'll highlight others later, as time permits.

1 comment:

  1. Another CGGC value that I am afraid will torpedo the implementation of Lance's vision is MELLOW RELATIONSHIPS OVER TRUTH.

    Jesus called only those "who labor and are heavy laden" to come to Him. On Pentecost, when Peter preached to the assembled crowd he didn't stop until people were "cut to the heart." Paul says that "godly grief" produces a repentance that leads to salvation. In our early days, the people of Winebrenner's movement invited people to the mourners' bench.

    Those attacks on the sinful heart, according to the actions of Jesus and the Apostles, are critical to disciple making and they are entirely out of fashion in today's CGGC. And, more to the point, they would not come easily to Lance who is, truly, a world class nice guy.

    Can Lance pull the trigger and empower others to preach the sort of message that will cut CGGCers to the heart and create godly grief? Can he hold firm against the.blow back if he does?

    I am convinced that he must do both.
