Thursday, February 19, 2015


Here's a quick and easy way to demonstrate two realizes related to CGGC Mountaintoppers: Read editions of The CHURCH ADVOCATE that are a year old.

When you do, you will note that most of what the mountaintoppers advocate that the rest of us do, they haven't been doing themselves since they "advocated" that we do it. IOW, you will demonstrate that, to them, to talk is to walk. There is a healthy dose of "Do what we say not what we do-ism" to be found in old CHURCH ADVOCATEs. Think, for example, of their passionate appeal for involvement with issues of social justice.

You will also be able to see what they really do believe if there is anything that they actually are doing one year after they advocate it. And, it seems to me, there is one thing they really do believe in:

That is turning the CGGC into a high church, liturgical body, one that grooves on high church Advent masses with priests decked out in clerical collars and with the laity meekly consuming their priestcraft, the observance of Lent and Holy Week.

Try it out. Reading old ADVOCATES is one reliable way of seeing what is true about the CGGC.


  1. Of course, there is an obvious flaw to my strategy: You have to read The CHURCH ADVOCATE.

    Due to the high level of cynicism across the CGGC, almost no one reads it. I suspect that most who read this blog don't have a strong enough a stomach to read it. This is, however, in itself proof of TO TALK IS TO WALK-ISM.

  2. Have you looked at the new ADVOCATE yet?

    It's the Findlay mountaintoppers pontificating on the theme, "Sacrifice."

    You know. The guys with the big salaries and the nice offices who are only really seen in each Conference once a year as they travel around on the YAY GOD tour, telling us what a good job they are doing at leading the institutional CGGC.

    Read this one again in a year to discern how well they have walked THIS talk. But, please, don't hold your breath.

    It is any wonder that Cynicism is a characteristics of the CGGC brand?
