Friday, March 7, 2014

Cannibalism of the Clergy in the CGGC

Fellow CGGCers,
Below is an email (edited to preserve the identities of individuals) I recently received from a fellow member of the CGGC clergy.  This person wrote to me in response to an email in which I asked several people in the CGGC clergy what they understand the CGGC's ONe Mission to be. 
I believe every word of this email because, over my years in the CGGC, I've known of this sort of thing to happen many times. 
As Paul Simon wrote, "It's the same old story, everywhere I go."  In fact, when I was member of the ERC Commission on Church Renewal, that Commission engineered several very similar stories. (See my anecdote following the email.)

I'm blogging this because I have been contemplating blogging on this issue for some time.  Here is a case in point.
I'm disgusted by the cannibalism that is an ordinary part of our DNA.  What you will read below could happen in any region of the CGGC USA.

Here's I challenge I offer to everyone who reads the email that follows:  Identify for me a region in the CGGC USA that this story could not take place and explain why.
The CGGC is sick...from top to bottom and from side to side...and it has been for years.
Hi Bill,

Sorry for the delay in responding. I really have no idea what the cggc mission is, and don't really have anything to do with anyone in the cggc anymore.
My regional director has refused to speak to me [for several months], our region's church/pastor [commission] will have nothing to do with me - and no one will tell me why.
It's one of the most bizarre things I've ever experienced. [A General Conference staff person long known to this person] offers to 'listen' to me now and then, and I've met with [another member of GC staff] a couple of times, but other than that... nothing.  So... I really have nothing good to say about the cggc.
We are trying to get involved in a non-denominational church - and that has not been easy either. Plus I've been working long hours at my new job. I am a ____________________ for __________. I don't know if I'll do it forever, but I don't foresee ever being in ministry again. I especially don't see being involved in the cggc again. I doubt that I could even if I wanted to.
What's most frustrating is that I have no idea why.
I'm just dumbfounded that a regional director can just REFUSE to speak to a pastor in their region.
I've tried apologizing, I've reached out twice trying to reconcile.
I've talked to Findlay people and our regional president... and nothing happens.
When you coined the term "Shepherd Mafia"... you nailed it.

So, I'm sorry I'm not much help with this; and sorry for the rant . . ..
peace & blessings,

As I mentioned, I participated in several similar stories as a member of the ERC's Commission on Church Renewal. 

One of the most embarrassing and painful for me was a case in which an ERC pastor contacted the Commission and asked for assistance.  He was concerned by what he regarded to be increasing tension between the Church Council and himself.  He asked the Commission to mediate.

The Commission set up the meeting he requested and the meeting was well attended by all parties involved.  The Commission offered an open forum for the free exchange of any and all concerns, explaining to the Council that their pastor was concerned and want to resolve any problems between it and him.

We on the Commission were delighted to hear that no one had any serious issues with the pastor and that, in fact, members of the Council expressed their appreciation for their pastor's ministry.

Instead of engaging in conflict resolution, the Commission concluded the evening by leading a time of celebration.  And, afterward it held a brief private meeting with the pastor to give him a head's up on some very minor issues of concern we picked up on from the members of the Church Council.

We were overjoyed...until the next month when we received word that that pastor and his wife had gone away for a week of vacation and that, while they were away, the Council scheduled a special meeting and fired him.

What discipline do you suppose was exercised against the Church Council, by the Commission, its staff person and by the Region's Executive Director?  What direct support do you suppose was offered to the pastor in this conflict by any group or person in the Conference?


That pastor never had a meaningful ministry in the ERC again and the Conference quickly sent another pastor to serve the church.

This story is not the only similar sort of story I can tell from my decades in the CGGC.

The CGGC's people will never repent of unrighteousness until righteousness is demanded of all of its leaders and people.

We are spiritually sick.

We must repent.


  1. Worse yet is the number of lives ruined, children and wives as residual damage. Add to that the contributary effect these sort of situation have on the health and even death of many we could name. I fear the judgement awaiting those that have lifted their hands against God,s annointed!!

  2. You are correct about judgment on these people. If the Jesus of Revelation 2 and 3 is the Lord of the church today, He is fighting against many and yanking lampstands and spewing the uncompassionate and disobedient and lukewarm out of His mouth all over the place in the CGGC.

    Is it any wonder that the Spirit is not moving among the churches of the CGGC--at least to bless us?!

    You are also correct about the collateral damage among spouses and children. There is a way that our shepherd mafia leaders--for all the nurturing they want to do and all the mellow tolerance they practice--are the most heartless and vicious of the heartless and vicious.

    Anyone who read the Word with a soft and open heart has to know that the commonality of this sort of story grieves the Lord and brings judgment on us!
