Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sadness and Discouragement Update

I've mentioned our 95 year old neighbor who needed to move into whatever personal care facility would take her.

We found one.

However, she needed to have a Power of Attorney in order to be admitted.

As an act of "I was sick and you looked after me," mercy, Evie volunteered.

Evie did all the paperwork and our neighbor, Beverly, was admitted into the home.

Evie had been in periodic contact by phone with Beverly's 74 year old son, who lives in Manhattan, to keep him updated on his mom's life.

Beginning the day before the actual move, Evie began having trouble reaching him. He didn't answer his phone.

She tried for several days and began to be concerned. A few other people we know were also trying to reach him, without success.

Eventually, someone was able to reach the person who manages the apartment building. The son was found in his apartment, dead.

That, of course, is extremely sad. Beverly is now left with no family.

However, for Evie, the death creates a mess.

Under New York state law, the body has to be New York, before it can be released.

Since Beverly is unable to travel, Evie's being told, as POA, she will be required to make the identification.

She's consulted with Beverly's attorney, who says that there's no way to avoid it.

The NYC Medical Examiner wanted Evie to make the identification over the weekend. However, that was not possible.

It appears that Evie and a friend will travel to New York on Tuesday. It will, at the very best, be a long and exhausting day.

One of the foundations of the life that Evie and I live is that, Jesus was perfectly serious when He said that people who show mercy will be shown mercy.

Evie, especially, lives a life of mercy. There are many inconveniences, and many sacrifices, and, at times, hardships in that life. But, much blessing as well.

This is a new one for us.

Evie's walking in faith.

She's seeing it as an adventure.

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