Thursday, August 30, 2018

Evie: Home, To the ER, Back Home, Coming Along

I've fallen behind in my journal on Evie's aortic valve replacement journey and I apologize to those of you who've become concerned.

She did come home on Thursday, one day behind schedule, and tolerated the drive well. She was fine, but tired, for the reminder of the day.

During the night, she began to sense that something was not right. She has an oximeter and a pretty decent blood pressure machine both of which recorded her pulse, early on Friday morning, ranging from the mid 40s to the 90s.

She called Penn and got the doctor on call who wasn't loads of help. Later, when the surgeon's office was open, she talked to a nurse practitioner who was concerned and said that if Evie became lightheaded or passed out I should call 911.

She did become lightheaded and staggered as she was walking. So, we drove, immediately, to the ER at Reading hospital, a 15 minute drive away.

The ER doctor realized that she was out of her league and began communicating with the surgeon in Philadelphia and the cardiologist in Reading.

In the end, Evie was placed in the Observation unit over night.

I don't understand much from that point.

But, I do know that, on the ER's monitor, Evie's heartbeat averaged about 100 and her pulse about 50. Apparently, her heart was not beating efficiently.

The Reading doctors kept repeating that the problem was serious but not life threatening.

Eventually, she was given a drug that has the side effect of causing liver damage. She has a prescription for 20 days. It seems to be working.

As of now, her heart is in rhythm and her pulse is in the normal range, as is her blood pressure.

She's had visits from visiting nurses and a physical therapist.  All say that she's doing well.

She's tired and sore but her attitude is, as always, extraordinary. Her trust in God's love and mercy is amazing.

I jumped into a schedule at work that includes as many hours as I've ever been scheduled in a week. Actually, it's been therapeutic.

Evie's sister, who is an RN, stayed with her during the day this week, and, I think, they enjoyed their time together.

I understand that this will be a loooooong journey. Doubtless, there will be many bumps in the road.

I'm very tired.

Evie doesn't handle boredom well.

But, God is good.

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