Sunday, May 17, 2015

Gathering 5-17-15

Paul says, somewhere in Romans I think, that we rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. And, it seems to me that small gatherings of intensely committed and intimately connected disciples is a very good setting for that rejoicing and mourning to take place.

We are experiencing intense joy as well as intense sorrow in our gathering these days.

One couple is on the journey to becoming first time grandparents and can't wait to join with us to share the latest wonders of their daughter's pregnancy.

However, before they arrived today, one of the brothers arrived and told us that his mother had had a stroke and that his brother who is the POA is forbidding him visits. How sad and tragic.

It occurred to me today that the newness of this gathering has worn off and that what we have is what we will have. And, that what we have--our new normal--is pretty special.

We sort of asked around today and got similar assessments as the gathering was shutting down for the day.

There was little that happened today that is not already par for the course for this group: Some profound conversation regarding doctrine, some reflection on the ease with which we all, it seems, fall back into sin and the continual need to be spurred on to love and good works.

As is often the case, the taking of the bread and cup was poignant and powerful. And, it was interactive, which is almost always an intense blessing.

The meal grooved. I ate too much.

What amazingly sweet fellowship!

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