Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Least Read Blog Post

Since the time that my posts took a decidedly prophetic tone, strenuously calling people in the body I serve to stark and specific acts of repentance, I have been told by numerous people that they actually agree with me but hate the tone of what I am writing.

Normally, those people then urge me to go back to my old style of writing which they describe in a variety of ways but which they characterize as fresh and innovative teaching.

Recently, I've felt led by the Spirit to include those sort of posts among my blogs.  In fact, only a few days ago, I sent one of those posts out and noted to my mailing list that its intention was to teach, not prophecy.

That blog post has received the smallest number of hits on this blog.

So, to those of you who promised that people would welcome my teaching?  You misread the CGGC.

I do plan, if the Lord is willing, to post future writings of a teaching nature--no matter how faithfully they are read.

Oh, and incidentally, the post that has received the most hits?  "A Classic Democrat Party Leadership Model."

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